House of Assembly: Thursday, March 07, 2013



Mr PISONI (Unley) (15:02): My question is again to the Minister for Education. Can the minister explain why her department did not institute the recommendations of the KPMG report and from her own department's report at the recommended time of the start of the school year 2011?

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (15:03): The member for Unley refers to a report from my own department. He put that out in a media release yesterday and, not surprisingly, the department had some difficulty in finding that report. I am advised that the report is unnamed and undated. That would surprise people in this house—that the member for Unley would be referring to a document in that condition.

An honourable member: Someone put it in his pigeonhole.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: I understand that it has been identified as a working draft by someone in the department who is no longer an employee, and there is no record of that document progressing past that particular person. However, I can tell you some of the initiatives that were put in place. The child protection policy was updated, site leaders are reminded annually of their obligations to deliver curriculum and provide their implementation plans as part of their site improvement plans, and the Office for Schools is working with regional directors to ensure that sites are aware of their obligations.

We expect that children are taught this in our schools. It's an important part of keeping our children safe here in South Australia. Can I go back to some of the really important issues. When we came into office, there had been questions around teachers' registration and criminal history checks around teachers. When we took office, teachers only needed to be police checked or have their criminal histories checked on employment on registration. There were no three-year consecutive checks.

Ms Chapman: That's worked—not.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: Well, you did nothing.

The SPEAKER: Minister, unfortunately the clock was not started. I just have this feeling that it's been four minutes.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: I will call the member for Morialta to order—he needn't approach me over that—and warn the member for Davenport for the first time and the member for Unley. The member for Stuart.