House of Assembly: Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Ministerial Statement


The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts) (14:03): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL: This evening I will unveil a new brand for South Australia. For the first time, our state will have a brand that tells the rest of the world that South Australia is a great place, whether you are buying from us, investing in us or learning, visiting or living here. Since the very beginning, our state has built a reputation for being progressive, creative, industrious and forward thinking in our approach, doing it the South Australian way.

As a government in modern times, we have been very keen to build South Australia's place in the world, recognising that too often people are unaware of where South Australia is. That is why last year we set about finding a new brand for our state and charged South Australia's Economic Development Board with responsibility for driving this. Government agencies, businesses, tourism bodies and universities all work hard to attract more investment, more export opportunities, more tourists and more students to help grow our state's economy.

What the state brand will allow us to do is to ensure all of these individual efforts are mutually reinforcing—continually making the case for what sets a product or service from South Australia apart from its competition. All our industries—from our manufacturers and our clean green food and wine industries to education institutions and hospitality businesses—could use this brand to pitch their products on the world stage. It is a brand that they will be able to stand behind confidently because it is real. It has been built directly from the input of more than 3,500 South Australians across the state, city and country, business and community. It reflects what we hold to be true about ourselves and it reflects an ambition to grow this into a competitive advantage that will make our state stronger.

It is also a bit audacious, making a bold statement about our place in Australia and our place in the world. The success of this brand will lie in its uptake. It is the South Australian way to rally and get behind the state we live in, work in and love. I am confident that South Australian businesses will want to use this brand and I am confident every South Australian business which does can make the brand stronger.