House of Assembly: Thursday, February 21, 2013



Mr SIBBONS (Mitchell) (15:16): On 9 and 10 March, the historic town of Old Reynella, in my electorate of Mitchell, will host the inaugural Festival of History. An Australian first, the Festival of History is a celebration of our local, national and international history. The event features re-enactors from around Australia, participating in mock battles in traditional uniforms and with the equipment of bygone eras. The re-enactors will live and breathe the eras they recreate, right down to sleeping in the camp sites that reflect the military history of the period. There will also be a huge model soldier re-enactment of the Battle of Leipzig from 1813.

The Festival of History will provide a fun, exciting, entertaining and educational experience for the whole family. The event will be laid out along a walking trail in and around the town's main street where numerous historical displays and market and food stalls will be available. On the morning of Saturday 9 March there will be a major street parade featuring vintage cars, old military vehicles and bands.

I got involved in the Festival of History through my role as chairperson of the Reynell Business & Tourism Association (RBTA). For some time, the RBTA has been investigating the possibility of a community history festival originally coined as 'Back to Old Reynella' to celebrate Old Reynella. However, we struggled to source volunteers with the skills and time required to plan and carry out such a project. Enter a volunteer-based not-for-profit group called Historycon. The president of Historycon, Mr Mal Wright, is a constituent in my electorate and a resident of Old Reynella, who contacted my office looking for assistance to organise a history festival of a different kind, one involving re-enactors and war game groups. The rest, as they say, is history.

Historycon has had its fair share of challenges to overcome. The initial hurdle was securing base funding for the event. However, with the support of local-elected councillors, The City of Onkaparinga agreed to be a major sponsor of the festival. Veterans SA also supplied a small amount of funding to assist with a Vietnam veterans' display.

There was a challenge finding enough space in and around the main street for the re-enactors, stallholders and the general public to enjoy the festival safely. There was the challenge that the Summary Offences Act makes it illegal for re-enactors to use bayonets which threatened some of the festival's main attractions. I am pleased that, after I hosted a meeting here this week with a delegation from Historycon and the Attorney-General, an exemption is being organised, so World War II and other re-enactors can still participate in the festival.

There have also been local challenges, with some businesses not embracing the idea of a road closure needed for the event, which is still being considered by the City of Onkaparinga for approval. It does not pay to forget that this festival, which has generated print and radio media interest as well as attracting national and international interest from re-enactment groups, is being coordinated by a grassroots not-for-profit community group of volunteers for the very first time.

There are bound to be hurdles and lessons learned along the way. Nothing good comes easy, as they say. However, the Festival of History event is still on track to be an amazing weekend of excitement, colour, noise and fun, which will enable everyone, from great grandparents to their great grandchildren, to explore history in an entirely new way. I am honoured and excited to have been given the opportunity to be part of this festival, which this year is based in my electorate. I look forward to how this festival has the potential to grow as an annual South Australian iconic event in the future.

I take this opportunity to thank Mr Wright and members of Historycon and Re-enact SA, some of whom are here today as my guests, for all the blood, sweat and tears they have given to organising this festival.