Parliamentary Procedure
Personal Explanation
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. R.B. SUCH (Fisher) (14:52): Can the Minister for Energy inform the house about actions the state government has taken to help relieve cost-of-living pressures?
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:52): I would like to thank the member for Fisher for his interest. Last Friday was an important day in the state's history, as the state government deregulated the state's energy market and delivered a 9.1 per cent power bill reduction for households on the standing contract. In addition to this, small businesses received a 4.5 per cent reduction.
This initial two-year arrangement with AGL and Origin Energy will ensure major electricity and gas retailers are subject to greater competition. Deregulation will allow more than 30 nationally authorised electricity retailers and 15 gas retailers to compete with AGL and Origin for local customers through competitive offers.
Over the past month, Mr Speaker, you may well have noticed the pages of The Advertiser filled with not only Liberal leadership stories and pleas for Alexander Downer to return to the leadership of the Liberal Party, but also ads from energy companies offering discounts of up to 16 per cent off their standing rates, with the introduction of a range of new tariff freezing offers. This is a result of the direct competition the government has opened up in the electricity market.
This is competition the state government wants to foster, with more retailers entering the market, and therefore putting downward pressure on energy prices. It helps alleviate the raw deal South Australians got when members opposite privatised our electricity assets. When the previous government privatised our assets, they promised cheaper power; it did not occur.
This government, on the other hand, has been able to deliver a 9.1 per cent reduction for households on the standing contract, and there are even better offers out there in the market. I urge South Australians to make the most of this new era of deregulation by tracking down the best energy deals and avoiding paying more than you need to for electricity and gas. To assist customers, they can instantly compare offers from energy retailers using the Australian Energy Regulator's free Energy Made Easy website at or by calling 1300 585 165.
Friday also marked the day that South Australia joined the National Energy Customer Framework which ensures that all energy customers, including those experiencing financial hardship, can access essential energy services on reasonable terms. Customers in financial hardship must be offered flexible payment options and given support to access concessions, financial counselling and help to improve energy efficiency.
This includes flexible payment plans and information on how to avoid disconnection so that the most vulnerable in our community are protected and their access to electricity and gas is ensured. Energy retailers are now obliged to provide detailed fact sheets including information about prices, fees, discounts and any other incentives or penalties, making it simpler for consumers to choose the best offer for them. An important aspect of NECF is that it has now enforced that every energy retailer will also have to offer at least one energy contract with no exit fees.
The state government is very proud of these reforms, as they deliver not only real discounts to energy users but also greater certainty for customers and better protection for those experiencing financial hardship. This government is doing all it can to reduce the burden of cost-of-living pressures on ordinary South Australians.
The SPEAKER: Supplementary question, member for Fisher.