Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Ministerial Statement
Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (14:32): My question is to the Minister for Science and Information Economy. Can the minister inform the house on investment in research and innovation in South Australia?
The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for Recreation and Sport) (14:32): I thank the member for Florey, whose electorate is named after one of the most substantial scientists ever produced by this state.
Ms Bedford: In the world.
The Hon. T.R. KENYON: In the world, in fact—one of the most substantial scientists in the world. The member for Florey is exactly right. He has had far-reaching effects. Many of us would probably be dead if it were not for the work of Florey. It is just a thought.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. T.R. KENYON: No, the work of Florey. This government is a strong supporter of science technology and innovation in this state. In fact, since 2004 we have invested more than $200 million in science technology and innovation initiatives. South Australia's economy is rapidly transforming, with growth in new and emerging industries causing demand for highly-skilled jobs to increase. Scientific research and innovation are fundamental to this transformation to a highly advanced economy. I am therefore pleased to inform members that applications are now open for the Premier's Research and Industry Fund.
This state government program provides investment of $4.2 million per annum to support new and continuing programs to enhance science and innovation in South Australia. The program targets the highest priority areas for research activities and will drive innovation across the state. Research organisations can apply for funding for research activities that focus on collaboration and international partnerships or attract high-calibre research talent to South Australia.
The programs available through the Premier's Research and Industry Fund include the International Research Grant Program, with a maximum of $100,000 per year on offer to encourage research collaborations between Australia and other countries, such as India and China, and the Collaboration Pathways Program, which has grants of up to $100,000 per year to encourage collaboration within universities to work on joint projects. This program can also be used to help universities jointly apply for federal funding streams, while the South Australian Research Fellowships aim to bring internationally-recognised talent to the state for research-specific projects. The maximum grant available is $250,000 per year for four years.
There is always a positive outcome when we invest in talented people. These programs will allow those people to focus their research talents on issues that support the state government's key priorities. The Premier's Research and Industry Fund encourages relationships between the private and public sector, ensuring that both can advance and learn from each other. Investment and research innovation is one of the best methods to improve economic performance, and it is vital for the future of this state that we continue to invest in innovation and research through funds such as this.