Parliamentary Procedure
Parliament House Matters
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Adjournment Debate
Second Reading
Second reading debate resumed.
Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (11:32): This is not about my trying to control the group, which would be pretty hard with one vote from seven. This is about representing the people of Adelaide as their elected state member, it is about providing them with information, it is about putting forward their views, it is about knowing what is planned for the City of Adelaide so that when people call my office extremely concerned about the proposed changes I have the information either to allay their fears or to help them. In fact, I would be doing the council and the government a favour, as much of the disquiet in my electorate is due to having only part of the information or hearing rumours or not completely understanding the implications.
I would also like to correct the statement made by the member for Croydon in his original speech a month or so ago, when he stated:
I find it touching that the member for Adelaide thinks that the seat of Adelaide should always be a seat that is with the government.
At no point did I state that. What I was saying was that since the inception of the bill in 1998, the member for Adelaide had, until 2010, always been part of the government and thus had a way of getting their opinions and views heard, and a way of accessing the information that was discussed. I am not saying that the member for Adelaide must be on the committee, but when the member for Adelaide is not part of government it is unjust that their views cannot be heard and that they cannot access any of the information—even the minutes of the meeting.
As we know, for eight years the previous member for Adelaide was the chairperson in her capacity as the minister for Adelaide, a Labor-created ministry. I will wind up my remarks and commend the bill to the house.
The house divided on the second reading:
AYES (16) | ||
Brock, G.G. | Chapman, V.A. | Gardner, J.A.W. |
Goldsworthy, M.R. | Griffiths, S.P. | McFetridge, D. |
Pederick, A.S. | Pegler, D.W. | Pengilly, M. |
Pisoni, D.G. | Sanderson, R. (teller) | Such, R.B. |
Treloar, P.A. | van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. | Venning, I.H. |
Williams, M.R. |
NOES (20) | ||
Atkinson, M.J. (teller) | Bedford, F.E. | Bettison. Z.L. |
Bignell, L.W. | Caica, P. | Close, S.E. |
Conlon, P.F. | Fox, C.C. | Geraghty, R.K. |
Hill, J.D. | Key, S.W. | O'Brien, M.F. |
Odenwalder, L.K. | Portolesi, G. | Rankine, J.M. |
Sibbons, A.J. | Snelling, J.J. | Thompson, M.G. |
Vlahos, L.A. | Wright, M.J. |
PAIRS (10) | |
Redmond, I.M. | Weatherill, J.W. |
Hamilton-Smith, M.L.J. | Koutsantonis, A. |
Whetstone, T.J. | Rau, J.R. |
Evans, I.F. | Piccolo, T. |
Marshall, S.S. | Kenyon, T.R. |
Majority of 4 for the noes.
Second reading thus negatived.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!