House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Ministerial Statement


The Hon. J.D. HILL (Kaurna—Minister for Health and Ageing, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for the Arts) (16:32): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.D. HILL: In question time today, the member for Davenport asked me a question about the amount of unreconciled accounts, and he questioned the figure of $60 million and compared it to a figure given by the Deputy Auditor-General in a review of the audit by the Economic and Finance Committee, I think.

I said today that I thought the figure of $90 million was the original one I gave, and then I gave a subsequent figure of $60 million, which I thought was the figure we were then at, and then the Deputy Auditor-General used a figure of $90 million. I have since checked the record and I inadvertently and mistakenly used the figure of $90 million myself.

On 24 November last year, I then corrected the record and said it was a $60 million figure. So, I created the error and the Deputy Auditor-General may well have picked up on that error, because my advisers tell me that it was $60 million, and that they had written to the Deputy Auditor-General to advise him that that was the figure that we were relying on. So, the advice I have is it was $60 million. I made a mistake when I said it was $90 million. If there is any further evidence or information that pertains to this, I will obviously bring it to the house.