House of Assembly: Thursday, March 15, 2012



Mr PISONI (Unley) (15:10): My question is to the Minister for Education and Child Development. Is it not the case that, after 10 years, the Minister has no strategies in place to address the slide in education outcomes in South Australia in the last decade, as identified in the Gonski review and the Grattan Institute report?

The Hon. P.F. CONLON: Point of order, Madam Speaker. Plainly, standing order 97 forbids argument in a question, and that is nothing but argument.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I—

Mr PISONI: It is not argument. The minister—

The SPEAKER: Order!

Mr PISONI: The minister spoke about the Gonski report—

The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Unley will sit down.

Mr PISONI: The Gonski report is clear in identifying the deterioration in educational outcomes in Australia in the last 10 years, and in South Australia in the last 10 years—

The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Unley will sit down! There was argument in that question, and I won't allow that question. We will move on to grievances.