Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliament House Matters
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliament House Matters
Question Time
Parliament House Matters
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Grievance Debate
Parliament House Matters
Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (14:55): My question is to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. What is the state—
The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The Minister for Industry and Trade, be quiet.
Mr PEDERICK: I think that we should just crush your car, Tom.
The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Minister, I warn you. I warn the Minister for Industry and Trade.
Mr PEDERICK: We will just crush your car. You are an idiot.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! Can the member for Hammond have the respect of the place, please, to ask his question.
Mr PEDERICK: Thank you. What is the state government's position on additional restrictions to agricultural spraying practices currently being considered by the Agricultural Pesticide and Veterinarian Medicines Authority? In a letter sent to the minister and South Australian country members of parliament (state and federal), the Crop Science Society of South Australia Incorporated, a non-political organisation interested in the science and technology of agriculture, has expressed its concern that some of the proposed restrictions are unnecessary and will severely impact on the efficiency and productivity of Australian agriculture.
The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN (Napier—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for the Northern Suburbs) (14:56): I thank the member for Hammond for the question, and particularly the explanation. I will return with a—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN: Madam Speaker, I am not the best; it is just in comparison to the member for Hammond that I actually look this way.
The SPEAKER: And, of course, you are a product of Whyalla High School, minister. The member for Hammond.