Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. G.M. GUNN (Stuart) (14:21): My question is to the Minister for Police. Will yesterday's snap decision to remove speed camera signs result in increased speeding on our roads? Did the minister consider any alternative action to address the concerns and safety of mobile camera operators?
The Hon. K.O. Foley: Gunny, you wanted unrestricted speed limits up in your electorate.
The Hon. G.M. GUNN: I am happy, Mr Speaker, to debate that issue with the Deputy Premier any time he wants—particularly during the next election up in Stuart. It has taken me all morning to work myself up to asking this question and now you have put me off.
It has been the government's position that signs advertising that motorists have just passed a mobile speed camera are safety measures because they have the effect of slowing motorists down. In 2004, the officer in charge of the Road Traffic Branch, Superintendent Roger Zuener, told The Advertiser that the signs are needed to educate the public. Can the minister further assure the house that this decision will not add to the impression of many motorists in the public that these cameras are nothing more than revenue-raising matters for the Treasury?
The Hon. M.J. WRIGHT (Lee—Minister for Police, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:22): I thank the member for his question. The member would be aware that this is an operational matter—a matter for the police commissioner. The police commissioner has taken this decision because of the health and safety issues for government employees. Two decisions were taken yesterday by the commissioner: one, that they are going to take steps to install protective film on the windows of the cars; and two, to remove the placement of signs after mobile camera operating sites. I was informed of this by the commissioner yesterday and, as I said, the reason he took this decision was because of health and safety issues.