Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliament House Matters
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Grievance Debate
Personal Explanation
Personal Explanation
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (16:19): I seek leave to make a personal explanation.
Leave granted.
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I understand that the deputy leader is aware of the rules and needs no help from the Attorney-General, whom I ask to refrain—completely refrain—from interjecting.
Ms CHAPMAN: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. Earlier this afternoon, I gave a personal explanation to the house in relation to a question which I asked during question time yesterday of the Minister for Health, and his subsequent ministerial statement this afternoon, in this house in respect of a policy surrounding the transportation of a prospective transplant recipient.
I indicated to the house earlier that two assertions were made in the ministerial statement, and one related to allegations of a slur against certain medical and health professionals. I indicated to the house that that was totally and utterly denied. I invited the Speaker and now you, Madam Deputy Speaker, as you are now in the chair, should you wish to do so, to examine the Hansard from yesterday to identify that that is simply and utterly untrue.
Secondly, there was an assertion in relation to the time frame of the issuing of a media release that asserted that the issuing of this release was subsequent to the information being given to the parliament that purportedly refuted some of the facts raised in the information I gave to the house on a previous day. I indicated to the house that it was acknowledged that the minister did return to the house at approximately 3.13 (and we are certainly not disputing that time) and that he had provided further information to the house.
However, I outlined that the error in relation to the assertion of subsequent publication was to be explained by the fact that the facsimile transmission time on the document had not been changed according to daylight saving. That assertion of publication after information had been provided to the house, certainly had it been the case, if there has been information perpetuated, I would certainly agree that that would be the case. However, that explanation, I suggest, is one that utterly refutes that.
A further matter was raised in the ministerial statement in which the minister said, 'I also look forward to hearing her personal explanation to the house explaining her error.' I have done so, and I indicate that I am completely at a loss, given that statement, as to why leave was then withdrawn earlier this afternoon for my giving a personal explanation, when the minister had sought it.
Finally, he seeks an apology in relation to these two allegations. Primarily, what certainly would be unacceptable would be to publish information subsequent to being informed of it after the event, and that has clearly been carried forward and, I think, clearly explained. I think it is important that we have some assistance from the Speaker's office to make sure that there is a way of ensuring that the equipment in Parliament House has the accurate time on it. I raise this issue because my understanding is that there have been communications between the Government Whip's office and the Opposition Whip's office to detail this.
What is most concerning is the information being conveyed between the whips' offices that this error had been identified and noted, yet still almost 24 hours after the information was conveyed to the house and the facsimile transmission has been made—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: —and the communication between the whips' offices highlighting this issue. I think the Speaker needs to take on board how this might be addressed, namely, how a minister of the government can come into the parliament this afternoon—not this morning, when parliament resumed—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: —or when he first became aware of it, after that conversation had occurred. That is very concerning.
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting: