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Question Time
Grievance Debate
Adjourned debate on motion of Ms Chapman:
That this house calls on Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs to lift the ban on Australian foreign aid being spent on abortion services and counselling, following the lifting of the ‘Global Gag’ by the new President of the United States of America on 23 January 2009.
(Continued from 19 February 2009. Page 1657.)
The Hon. R.B. SUCH (Fisher) (12:38): I support this motion. I do not like abortion; I do not welcome any act of abortion in any sort of pleasurable sense. Nature itself can cause an abortion to occur. It is not something about which any of us rejoice, but I believe a woman has the right to decide whether or not she carries a child full term.
The American government under president Bush had a ban on any organisation receiving funding from the US government if, as part of its family planning approach, it gave advice or assisted in any way in respect of abortion. My view is that people making choices should have maximum information and a maximum provision of services. I point out that, in providing information about abortion as an option, clearly the risks, as well as the possible benefits, should be indicated.
This motion refers to other countries. Even in our own country some people have the view that a person can have repeated abortions without any possible long-term or other consequences. I do not favour abortion being used as an easy way of birth control. It should be an option for a woman, of course, but it should not be simply a way of avoiding other forms of birth control. I support this motion. I believe that Australia should lift the ban on counselling services and abortion services.
However, as I say, I put on the rider that any information that is provided should be based on proper medical evidence and be balanced, in the sense that it is not simply a pro-abortion service irrespective of (and devoid of) information about any possible risks or avoiding what should be the greater focus on other mechanisms and means of birth control and family planning. With those few words, I support the motion and I believe it deserves support.
Debate adjourned on motion of Mrs Geraghty.