Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Personal Explanation
Committee Stage
In committee (resumed on motion).
(Continued from page 1408.)
Clause 3.
Mr VENNING: I want to guarantee that a council is quite clear on this matter in relation to the Planning Act and a council's PAR who will designate that it is a category 1, 2 or 3 matter, and whether full public consultation is involved. That needs to be clarified, and that is the area concerning which the opposition was not clear and wanted more time. We do not want to thrust on people something on which we have not done sufficient work. The government has the numbers here, but we would have liked more time.
Amendment carried; clause as amended passed.
Title passed.
Bill reported with amendment.
Third Reading
Mr PICCOLO (Light) (11:38): I move:
That this bill be now read a third time.
I commend the bill to the house, for the reasons I have outlined. While I am aware that the opposition is trying to suggest improbabilities as a way of stalling this measure, I have to admit that the bill is in some ways a reminder bill but it is a very important bill. I have no doubt that if there are any faults in it they will be sorted out in the other place. I am quite proud to move the bill in my name, and I can assure the house it was my suggestion and not that of my party.
Mr WILLIAMS (MacKillop) (11:38): I want to take the opportunity to counter some things the member for Light said in his summing up. He suggested that I was making argument and that some of the things I was saying against the bill were nonsense. I never made any argument in support of or against the bill. I was making the point that the opposition could not support it at this time because we were still consulting. So it is totally erroneous for the member for Light to suggest that I made argument for or against his bill.
The member for Light even went so far as to suggest that I was wasting time and I should have just stood and taken 20 seconds to say what I said. I am not sure how long I was on my feet but, even after that time, the member for Light still did not understand what I was saying. So, hopefully, the record will now show that the opposition, as I said to the member for Light, might well support his bill if we were given time to complete our consultation and deliberation. I thank the house for its time.
Mr VENNING (Schubert) (11:39): I agree with what the member for MacKillop just said. We agree with what you are trying to say here. I have given examples of main street heritage in Kapunda and Tanunda. I have been talking to the new member for Frome, and he has an issue with Radio Rentals in Port Pirie. We all have issues such as this, and they all need to be addressed. I say to the member for Light that we are only questioning process; that is all we want to do. This process will be administered by local government, and the opposition would like to have more liaison with it to make sure that it will work. It will happen now, but it is a bit rough to do something like this and then fix it afterwards. We should have done it in the first place.
Mr PICCOLO (Light) (11:40): Members of the opposition can dress up their argument in any way they like. They have mentioned a number of times that they are not happy with parts of this, and I accept that. But let us not sit on the fence and try to have a bob each way. They showed their colours yesterday, when they supported heritage. Today they have shown their colours that they are not really dinkum about it. I ask the house to support the bill.
Bill read a third time and passed.