Answers to Questions
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Ministerial Statement
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Ministerial Statement
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Auditor-General's Report
156 Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (30 September 2008). What are the government’s water management strategies beyond a desalination plant and water restrictions and specifically are there any plans to:
(a) to prevent water runoff to sea;
(b) develop a national pipeline infrastructure;
(c) mandate water tanks and water recycling technologies in all new homes built in this state; and
(d) promote awareness in schools and industry?
The Hon. K.A. MAYWALD (Chaffey—Minister for the River Murray, Minister for Water Security): I am advised:
Stormwater run-off
The government has established a Stormwater Management Authority. The authority will assist local councils in the preparation of stormwater management plans which incorporate value adding opportunities, such as stormwater reuse and water quality enhancements.
Developing a national pipeline infrastructure
The transporting of water from states was investigated in the Water Proofing Adelaide strategy. The infrastructure and energy requirements of these proposals are considered to be more expensive than other alternative sources of water such as desalination and recycling.
Water tanks and water recycling
South Australia leads the country in the percentage of its wastewater that is recycled. In 2006-07 nearly 30 per cent of Adelaide's wastewater was recycled. In addition new projects such as the Glenelg to Adelaide Parklands scheme, extensions to the Virginia pipeline and the Southern Urban Reuse project will further increase the proportion of wastewater recycled. SA Water is also working with developers at Lochiel Park and the Land Management Corporation to develop further third pipe systems in new developments.
The installation of rainwater tanks in new homes was made mandatory from 1 July 2006.
Promoting education in schools and industry
A new water education facility dedicated to educating South Australians about water which will be located in SA Water's new accommodation in Victoria Square.
The new water education centre will include information on our water supply network and displays for all community members from customers and school children through to water industry experts.
In addition, a new school education program is currently under development in collaboration between SA Water and the Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS).
SA Water's Business Water Saver program assists industrial and commercial customers to save water. SA Water works with businesses throughout the state to identify opportunities to reduce water consumption and minimise wastewater production.
In addition to offering education and training to industry, the Business Water Saver program also offers the following services to businesses:
Water efficiency audits;
Water efficiency reports;
Monitoring; and
Ongoing support.