Matter of Privilege
Personal Explanation
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matter of Privilege
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (15:00): My question is to the Premier. Did the ALP conference on 18 October 2008 pass a vote of no confidence in his leadership through a formal resolution opposing his decision on WorkCover reforms, and what will be the effect of that decision on the government's future policy? A Labor MP reported to The Independent Weekly that:
The whole WorkCover legislation was a put-up job from the beginning.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
Dr McFETRIDGE: It continues:
The legislation was dumped on us. It was drafted in secret. There was no discussion, no involvement.
The Labor MP further stated:
It was another example of the Premier and Foley saying, 'Here, swallow this.'
The Hon. P.F. Conlon: And what did you say: you wouldn't allow any cuts?
The SPEAKER: The Minister for Transport will come to order.
The Hon. M.D. RANN (Ramsay—Premier, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change) (15:01): There was no vote of no confidence at the ALP conference. There was, in fact, a standing ovation. So, I guess I should say that what you read in The Independent Weekly needs sober reflection.