Address in Reply
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Committees
Address in Reply
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:20): My question is to the Minister for Health. When was the minister first informed, and by whom, that an investigation into the government's dealings with IRIS 2 systems was being undertaken by the Attorney-General's Government Investigations Unit?
The Hon. J.D. HILL (Kaurna—Minister for Health, Minister for the Southern Suburbs, Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts) (14:20): I would have to check my records, obviously, to get the detailed information. I am happy to do that for the honourable member. The issues relating to IMVS and the allegations are unsubstantiated. They are unproved at this stage. I understand these matters are being investigated by the fraud squad in the police department. I am happy to get a fuller briefing for the honourable member, but it is a matter for appropriate investigation at that level.
It would be very unwise for members and me to make accusations without a proper level of investigation. In any event, this matter is the subject of an ongoing investigation. I do not want the investigation compromised by statements which might make it difficult subsequently for the investigators. I am being cautious in relation to this matter, but I am happy to get a greater level of information for the honourable member. In relation to the particular time, I can say it is some time ago but I cannot recall exactly when. I will get that information for the honourable member.