House of Assembly: Thursday, July 24, 2008



The Hon. I.F. EVANS (Davenport) (14:53): Is the Premier concerned that media were tipped off about the arrest of Tom Easling prior to his arrest? Tom Easling was arrested at dawn on 31 July 2004 by the police with media in attendance filming the event. It was played on TV stations that night. The Advertiser's front page of that day reported Easling's imminent arrest.

The Hon. M.D. RANN (Ramsay—Premier, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change) (14:53): I know that the honourable member delivered a letter to my office just before question time, raising a number of matters in relation to the Easling case, and also in relation to the activities of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Obviously, I am not doubting for one moment the sincerity of the honourable member opposite in pursuing this case on behalf of a constituent. I see other members do not seem to agree with me; they are shaking their heads. But I think that you have shown that you have a degree of interest in this issue. I will make sure that I get a report from the Attorney-General in relation to this. I must say I cannot recall seeing the television report that you refer to, but I will get a report from the Attorney-General.

However, I should also say that I think it would be wrong to try to imply in any way or to try to suggest that the Director of Public Prosecutions is acting improperly on this matter. I would find that very hard to believe. The Director of Public Prosecutions and I have crossed swords on a number of occasions, particularly in relation to my interventions in some issues, and I think that is good for a robust democracy. I do not believe that the DPP in any way has compromised his integrity or that of his office, but I will obtain a report from the Attorney-General when he returns from the SCAG meeting which is currently being held, I understand, across the Tasman.