Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Personal Explanation
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
Adjournment Debate
The SPEAKER: Order! I name the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. The Speaker is on his feet and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition knows full well that she is not to call out while the Speaker is on his feet. Does the deputy leader wish to be heard in apology or explanation?
Ms CHAPMAN: I do, sir. First, I had not observed you were standing in relation to this last matter you have raised.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
Ms CHAPMAN: I am happy to accept that you were and I did not observe it and I apologise for so doing.
The SPEAKER: I take the deputy leader on her word that she did not see me on my feet. However, I have given her two warnings so far. I asked her to desist from interjecting. There has been a deliberate attempt to shout down ministers on their feet. I try to be fair—I think I am fair—in taking into context what the minister might be saying, in terms of tolerance for interjections.
The answers given by ministers today have been straightforward answers to questions and ministers have been met with a barrage of noise from members of the opposition—admittedly, not just the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. While I do take the Deputy Leader of the Opposition on her word that she did not see me on my feet, I also have to take into account that the deputy leader has been consistently interjecting while ministers have been giving straightforward answers or attempting to answer in a straightforward way without debate answers to questions. On those grounds I cannot accept the apology of the deputy leader.
Ms CHAPMAN: I accept the ruling, and I will be leaving. You give the money back!
The SPEAKER: Order!
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! This is not an opportunity for members on either side to engage in disruptive behaviour. We still need to go through the process. There still needs to be a motion.
The honourable member for Bragg having withdrawn from the chamber:
The Hon. M.D. RANN: I move:
That the deputy leader be suspended for the remainder of the sittings of the house.
Motion carried.