Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Final Stages
The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:
No. 1. New clause, page 12, after line 26—
After clause 32 insert:
32A-Amendment of section 7 A—Accretions to members' accounts
Section 7A—After subsection (3) insert:
(3a) If members are permitted by the Board to nominate a class or combination of classes of investments, the option of nominating a class of investments based on consideration of the impact of the investments on society and the environment must be made available to members (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board).
No. 2. New clause, page 16, after line 25—
After clause 43 insert:
43A-Amendment of section 26E—Accretions to spouse members' accounts
Section 26E—After subsection (3) insert:
(3a) If spouse members are permitted by the Board to nominate a class or combination of classes of investments, the option of nominating a class of investments based on consideration of the impact of the investments on society and the environment must be made available to spouse members (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board).
No. 3. Clause 45, page 16, after line 34—
After subclause (2) insert:
(2a) Section 27—After subsection (4) insert:
(4a) If members are permitted by the Board to nominate a class or combination of classes of investments, the option of nominating a class of investments based on consideration of the impact of the investments on society and the environment must be made available to members (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board)
No. 4. New clauses, page 17, after line 2—
After clause 45 insert:
45A—Amendment of section 30A—Transition to retirement
(1) Section 30A(7}—Delete 'The investment' and substitute:
Subject to subsection (7a), the investment
(2) Section 30A—After subsection (7) insert:
(7a) The investment of a draw down benefit under subsection (4)(b)(i) must, if the member so requests, be based on consideration of the impact of the investment on society and the environment (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board).
45B—Amendment of section 30B—Early access to superannuation benefits
(1) Section 30B(8}—Delete 'An investment' and substitute:
Subject to subsection (8a), an investment
(2) Section 30B—After subsection (8) insert:
(8a) An investment under subsection (7) must, if the member so requests, be based on consideration of the impact of the investment on society and the environment (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board).
No. 5. New clause, page 17, after line 37—
After clause 51 insert:
51A—Amendment of section 47B—Post retirement investment
Section 47B—After subsection (4) insert:
(4a) Despite subsections (2) and (3)(a), the investment of money accepted by the Board under subsection (1) must, if the investor so requests, be based on consideration of the impact of the investment on society and the environment (subject to terms and conditions determined by the Board).
At 18:29 the house adjourned until Wednesday 30 April 2008 at 11:00.