Parliament House Matters
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (14:01): I move:
That standing order 398 be so far suspended as to enable me make a statement to the house indicating the opposition's views in regard to WorkCover, given that it is a most important matter.
The SPEAKER: I have counted the house and, as there is an absolute majority of the whole number of members of the house, I accept the motion. Is it seconded?
An honourable member: Yes, sir.
The SPEAKER: Does the Leader of the Opposition wish to speak to the motion?
The SPEAKER: I point out that, in speaking to the motion, the leader will just be moving the suspension.
Mr HAMILTON-SMITH: I understand that, sir. The most important matter to come before the parliament so far this year has been the WorkCover crisis.
The Hon. K.O. Foley: I said that yesterday!
The SPEAKER: Order!
Mr HAMILTON-SMITH: Yesterday the government repeatedly sought to know the opposition's view on that crisis, on the Clayton report, and what the opposition would do. There being a most important matter before us, it is essential that standing orders be suspended so that we can state that view now at this early opportunity. The government wanted to know the opposition's view; it has had unbridled freedom to put its view and I am seeking to put the opposition's view. I think in the interests of good government that the Premier and the government should support hearing from the opposition on this crucial issue forthwith.
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations) (14:03): The Leader of the Opposition came over to the Premier and me 10 seconds before—
An honourable member interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: —question time and said, 'Can we suspend standing orders because I want to make a statement?' Yesterday I repeatedly asked the leader to put forward the opposition's position and, on media last night, from memory, he said that he wanted to wait for the bill. On their free-kick program in the mornings, the opposition was given an opportunity, and stated that they would wait and see the bill, take submissions, and make up their mind in April.
The opposition has had since 10.30 this morning. It could have come into this place prior to question time and requested a suspension of standing orders. It did not do that and at the—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: The Leader of the Opposition thinks that he runs this place and thinks that he can walk in here and totally upturn tradition.
Mr Hamilton-Smith interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: The Leader of the Opposition—and I am sure those on our side—would have no problem in ensuring that he has the first five-minute grievance right at the end of question time, and he can say all he likes. He just said then, 'It's only a five-minute statement,' and he can do it straight after question time.
Mr Hamilton-Smith: Why not now?
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: Why not now?
Mr Hamilton-Smith: Why not now?
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: Because you are in opposition, we are in government, and there is a procedure.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
An honourable member: How arrogant!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: I think if anyone wants to be talking about arrogant, let's look at the bloke who calls himself the alternate premier.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. K.O. FOLEY: If the Leader of the Opposition was sincere about wanting to make a statement, he would have approached me or the Premier an hour before question time and asked us: he would not have walked up five seconds before and dropped it on us. The opposition knows that, if you want an urgency motion, there is a precedent: you give the government an hour's notice. It is a stunt. Let's see it for what it is.
The house divided on the motion:
AYES (12)
Chapman, V.A. | Evans, I.F. | Griffiths, S.P. |
Gunn, G.M. | Hamilton-Smith, M.L.J. (teller) | McFetridge, D. |
Penfold, E.M. | Pengilly, M. | Pisoni, D.G. |
Redmond, I.M. | Venning, I.H. | Williams, M.R. |
NOES (26)
Atkinson, M.J. | Bedford, F.E. | Bignell, L.W. |
Caica, P. | Ciccarello, V. | Foley, K.O. (teller) |
Fox, C.C. | Geraghty, R.K. | Hill, J.D. |
Kenyon, T.R. | Key, S.W. | Koutsantonis, T. |
Lomax-Smith, J.D. | Maywald, K.A. | O'Brien, M.F. |
Portolesi, G. | Rankine, J.M. | Rann, M.D. |
Rau, J.R. | Simmons, L.A. | Stevens, L. |
Such, R.B. | Thompson, M.G. | Weatherill, J.W. |
White, P.L. | Wright, M.J. |
Goldsworthy, M.R. | Conlon, P.F. |
Pederick, A.S. | McEwen, R.J. |
Kerin, R.G. | Piccolo, T. |
Majority of 14 for the noes.
Motion thus negatived.