House of Assembly: Thursday, February 14, 2008



Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading.

(Continued From 22 November 2007. Page 1831.)

Mrs GERAGHTY (Torrens) (11:13): I move:

That the debate be further adjourned.

The house divided on the motion:

AYES (28)

Atkinson, M.J. Bedford, F.E. Bignell, L.W.
Breuer, L.R. Caica, P. Ciccarello, V.
Conlon, P.F. Foley, K.O. Fox, C.C.
Geraghty, R.K. (teller) Hill, J.D. Kenyon, T.R.
Key, S.W. Koutsantonis, T. Lomax-Smith, J.D.
Maywald, K.A. McEwen, R.J. O'Brien, M.F.
Piccolo, T. Portolesi, G. Rankine, J.M.
Rau, J.R. Simmons, L.A. Stevens, L.
Thompson, M.G. Weatherill, J.W. White, P.L.
Wright, M.J.

NOES (16)

Chapman, V.A. Evans, I.F. Goldsworthy, M.R.
Griffiths, S.P. Gunn, G.M. Hamilton-Smith, M.L.J.
Hanna, K. (teller) Kerin, R.G. McFetridge, D.
Pederick, A.S. Penfold, E.M. Pengilly, M.
Redmond, I.M. Such, R.B. Venning, I.H.
Williams, M.R.


Rann, M.D. Pisoni, D.G.

Majority of 12 for the ayes.

Motion thus carried.