House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 20, 2007



Mr WILLIAMS (MacKillop) (15:04): My question is to the Premier. Premier, why is your government holding business to one set of standards on water savings while requiring a less stringent regime of its own departments? Since 1 July this year, industrial users of water from the River Murray system have been required to adopt stringent water saving measures, and major users have been required by SA Water to develop water efficiency plans, incorporating industry best practice water efficiency targets. According to SA Water, when it comes to the state government—one of the biggest users of water in the state—only 31 of the 40 government agencies have even responded to this regime.

The Hon. K.A. MAYWALD (Chaffey—Minister for the River Murray, Minister for Water Security, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Small Business, Minister Assisting the Minister for Industry and Trade) (15:05): The question of industrial water use is a very important one, and any savings that we can achieve in this area are extremely important. Industrial water users use about 9 per cent of the water that is used by SA Water customers in Adelaide. We are working one-on-one to ensure that we can maximise the water savings. Yes, 31 of the 40-odd government agencies have returned their plans, and they have done a great job. Over two-thirds, at this stage, have returned their water efficiency plans, and we are continuing to work with the other users.

We need to ensure that we have a reasoned approach to this to ensure that we can maximise those water savings. It is not about driving a need, by 31 October, for everyone to have their plans in by that date if it is not possible for them to actually undertake the work in that time frame. We are being reasonable to ensure that we can maximise the water savings across the industrial users, and we will continue to do so. So far, the water savings identified by industry have been very impressive, and we look to do more.