House of Assembly: Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (14:38): My question is to the Premier. Exactly how many Public Service positions does his government intend to relocate from regional South Australia to be centralised in the CBD under his government's shared services arrangements approved by cabinet on 15 October? From which regions will the positions be taken?

The Hon. M.J. WRIGHT (Lee—Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Finance, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:39): The shared services initiative is an important government initiative. It was announced by the Treasurer in the 2006-07 budget and it is something that from 2009-10 will deliver $60 million in savings. We are talking about back-of-office government corporate services and functions and, in regard to the member's question, I think that approximately 250 will be in scope from the regional areas.