Estimates Committee A: Thursday, July 28, 2016

Estimates Vote

Legislative Council, $5,504,000

House of Assembly, $7,321,000

Joint Parliamentary Services, $12,070,000

Administered Items for Joint Parliamentary Services, $2,586,000


Hon. J.W. Weatherill, Premier.

Departmental Advisers:

Mr A. Richardson, Auditor-General, Auditor-General's Department.

Mr I. McGlen, Assistant Auditor-General, Auditor-General's Department.

Ms M. Stint, Manager, Finance, Auditor-General's Department.

Mr D. Romeo, Chief of Staff.

The CHAIR: The estimates committees are a relatively informal procedure and as such there is no need to stand to ask or answer questions. I understand the minister and the lead speaker for the opposition have agreed an approximate time for the consideration of the proposed payments; is that correct, leader? Are the times agreed?

Mr MARSHALL: Well, it is published. I am not sure we met to agree.

The CHAIR: This will facilitate a change of departmental advisers. Can the minister and lead speaker for the opposition confirm that the timetable for the proceedings is accurate? Changes to the committee membership will be notified as they occur. Members should ensure that the Chair is provided with a completed request to be discharged form. If a minister undertakes to supply information at a later date, it must be submitted to the committee secretary by no later than Friday 28 October 2016. This year, estimate committees responses will be published during the 15 November sitting week in corrected daily Hansard over a three-day period.

I propose to allow both the minister and the lead speaker for the opposition to make opening statements of about 10 minutes should they each wish to do so. There will be a flexible approach to giving the call for asking questions based on about three questions per member alternating each side although I understand there are no government questions. Is that correct? Supplementary questions will be the exception rather than the rule.

A member who is not part of the committee may ask a question at the discretion of the Chair. Questions must be based on lines of expenditure in the budget papers and must be identifiable or referenced at the commencement of the question. Members unable to complete their questions during the proceedings may submit them as questions on notice for inclusion in the Assembly notice paper.

There is no formal facility for the tabling of documents before the committee; however, documents can be supplied to the chair for distribution to the committee. The incorporation of material in Hansard is permitted on the same basis as applies in the house, that is, that it is purely statistical and limited to one page in length. All questions are to be directed to the minister and not the ministerial advisers. The minister may refer questions to the advisers for a response.

During the committee's examinations, television cameras will be permitted to film from both the northern and southern galleries. I do ask, though, that the noise is kept to a minimum. Last year, we had a lot of commentary coming from the boxes behind us and it was really difficult to hear what was going on. I declare the proposed payments open for examination and refer members to the agency statements in Volume 3. Are there any statements or questions on this particular line?

Mr MARSHALL: Chair, are you referring to the Legislative Council, House of Assembly, Joint Parliamentary Services in the state government's establishment?

The CHAIR: Yes.

Mr MARSHALL: I have no questions.

The CHAIR: There being no questions, I declare the examination for the proposed payments closed.