Legislative Council: Thursday, May 27, 2021


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the President—

The Registrar's Statement, Register of New Member's Interests, May 2021

[Ordered to be published]

By the Minister for Human Services (Hon. J.M.A. Lensink)—

South Australian—Victorian Border Groundwaters Agreement Review Committee—Snapshot of South Australian Aboriginal Children and Young People in Care

and/or Detention from the Report on Government Services 2021—Report by the Guardian for Children and Young People and

Training Centre Visitor

Direction to the South Australian Water Corporation

By the Minister for Health and Wellbeing (Hon. S. G. Wade)—

Reports, 2020—

Department for Education

SACE Board of South Australia

Gayle's Law Review—Review of the Health Practitioner Regulations National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance) Amendment Act 2017 and the

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance) (no 2) Variation Regulations


SA Health's Response to the Deputy Coroner's Findings of 22 September 2020 into the death of Kenneth Ngakatji Ken—Prepared March 2021

SA Health's Response to the Deputy Coroner's Findings of 15 December 2020 into the death of Stephen John Barton—Prepared March 2021