Legislative Council: Wednesday, November 01, 2017



Senate Vacancy

His Excellency the Governor, by message, informed the Legislative Council that the President of the Australian Senate, in accordance with section 21 of the Commonwealth Constitution, has notified His Excellency the Governor that, in consequence of the resignation on the first day of November 2017 of Senator Nicholas Xenophon, a vacancy has happened in the representation of this state in the Senate.

The Governor is advised that, by such vacancy having happened, the place of a senator has become vacant before the expiry of his term within the meaning of section 15 of the constitution, and that such place shall be filled by the houses of parliament sitting and voting together, choosing a person to hold it in accordance with the provisions of the said section.

The PRESIDENT: I inform the Legislative Council that, having conferred, I have arranged to call a joint meeting of the two houses for the purpose of complying with section 15 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 10.15am. A formal notice will be distributed to all members of the parliament.