Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Minister for Employment (Hon. K.J. Maher)—
Variation of the Environmental Authorisation under the Whyalla Steel Works Act 1958
By the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (Hon. K.J. Maher)—
Aboriginal Lands Trust Good Order Audit Summary of Findings—October 2015
By the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation (Hon. I.K. Hunter)—
Reports, 2015-16—
Carrick Hill Trust
Country Arts SA
History Trust of South Australia
Libraries Board of South Australia
South Australian Museum Board
Regulations under the following Acts—
Native Vegetation Act 1991—General—
South Australian Forestry Corporation Charter
By the Minister for Police (Hon. P.B. Malinauskas)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Public Intoxication Act 1984—Revocation