House of Assembly: Wednesday, September 25, 2024



The SPEAKER: Before we go any further, I would like to welcome to parliament a few guests who we have in today. Can I remind MPs that if you have guests in, can you email my office? I am sitting up here with bunches of handwritten notes and text messages and everything else. We do have a system; it is much easier.

Mr McBride: I thought that was the system.

The SPEAKER: It's not my system. I cannot even read your writing, member for MacKillop. Let's start off with the students we have here. They are from Kimba Area School, years 8 to 10, and they are guests of the member for Flinders. I saw you walking around North Terrace with your Kimba shirts on and you were doing your town and your peninsula a great justice in the way you were behaving out there in public. I am sure the member for Flinders is being a great host for you and I hope everyone behaves themselves in here. We do not want to have to chuck anyone out for doing stuff that you would not get away with at school.

We also have a delegation of staff from the Victorian parliament who are over here on an exchange program. We welcome you to the South Australian parliament. We have representatives from the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (SDA) who are guests of the Premier and the Hon. Emily Bourke MLC. It is great to have you in the house as well.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley could not resist an interjection. It would have been unusual had he not said something. I am sure it was complimentary too. To the letter I will try to decipher here: we have the CEO of the Limestone Coast Local Health Network, Ms Emma Poland, and the Mayor of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council, Mr Patrick Ross. It is always great to have people from the Limestone Coast in the chamber. Via text message, a late one, we have from—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: You know who you are, minister. The Minister for Human Services has a guest in here, Edward Mickan, who is the 30th Youth Governor of South Australia. I hope I have not missed anyone amongst the pile of notes here, but if I have, you are all welcome in parliament.