Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Estimates Replies
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Premier (Hon. P.B. Malinauskas)—
Remuneration Tribunal—No. 1 of 2023—Correction—2022 Review of Remuneration of Members of the Judiciary, Presidential Members of the SAET, Presidential
Members of the SACAT, the State Coroner, and Commissioners of the Environment, Resources and Development Court—
Report and Determination
By the Deputy Premier (Hon. S.E. Close)—
Regulation made under the following Act—
Burial and Cremation—Voluntary Assisted Dying
By the Minister for Environment and Water (Hon. S.E. Close)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Radiation Protection and Control—
Fees Notice
Fees Notice (Superseded)
By the Treasurer (Hon. S.C. Mullighan)—
State Owned Generators Leasing Co Pty Ltd (SOGLC)—Annual Report 2021-22
By the Minister for Health and Wellbeing (Hon. C.J. Picton)—
Wellbeing SA—Pregnancy Outcome in South Australia 2020—Report
By the Minister for Education, Training and Skills (Hon. B.I. Boyer)—
Education and Care Services National Law—Education and Care Services National Amendment Regulations 2022
By the Minister for Local Government (Hon. G.G. Brock)—
Local Council By-Laws—
Flinders Ranges Council—No. 8—Local Government Land (Public Facilities)
By the Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs (Hon. A. Michaels)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Community Titles—Resolutions
Residential Tenancies—Limit of Amount of Bond
By the Minister for Planning (Hon. N.D. Champion)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Planning, Development and Infrastructure—General—Temporary Accommodation—No. 2