Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Speaker—
Auditor-General—Report 7 of 2022—Review of system authentication [Ordered to be published]
House of Assembly—
Register of Members' Interests—Ordinary Returns—Registrar's Statement—June 2022 [Ordered to be published]
Register of Members' Interests—Primary Returns—Registrar's Statement—September 2022 [Ordered to be published]
Ombudsman SA—Annual Report 2021-22 [Ordered to be published]
By the Premier (Hon. P.B. Malinauskas)—
Regulation made under the following Act—
South Australian Motor Sport—Board Names
By the Deputy Premier (Hon. S.E. Close)—
Attorney-General's Department—Review of Part 8A of the Evidence Act 1929
Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act 2009—Assumed Identities and Witness Identity Protection—Annual Reports 2021-22—
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
Independent Commission Against Corruption
SA Police
Annual Reports 2021-22—
Equal Opportunity, Office of the Commissioner for
Legal Practitioners Education and Admission Council
Summary Offences Act 1953—Part 16A—Access to data held electronically—SA Police
Surveillance Devices Act 2016
Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005
By the Treasurer (Hon. S.C. Mullighan)—
Industry Board of South Australia—Phylloxera and Grape (trading as Vinehealth Australia)—Annual Report 2021-22
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Fisheries Management—
Demerit Points – Restrictions on Fishing in Germein Bay
General—Restrictions on Fishing in Germein Bay
By the Minister for Health and Wellbeing (Hon. C.J. Picton)—
South Australian Public Health Act 2011—Notice
By the Minister Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Mining and Energy (Hon. A. Koutsantonis) on behalf of the Minister for Local Government (Hon. G.G. Brock)—
Local Council By-Laws—
Alexandrina Council—No. 8—Cats
Light Regional Council—
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Moveable Signs
No. 3—Roads
No. 4—Local Government Land
No. 5—Dogs
No. 6—Cats