House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 25, 2021



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Auditor-General Report—Probity of the processes for the heavy rail service contract—Report 9 of 2021 [Ordered to be published]

By the Premier (Hon. S.S. Marshall)—

Freedom of Information Determination—Shop Trading Hours

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Explosives—Security Sensitive Substances

Public Sector (Data Sharing)—Data Sharing—Relevant Entries

By the Attorney-General (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Regulation made under the following Act—

Electronic Communications—Government Agency

By the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (Hon. C.L. Wingard)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Heavy Vehicle National Law (South Australia)—Miscellaneous (No. 3)

Rail Safety National Law (South Australia)—Modification of FOI Act

By the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services (Hon. V.A. Tarzia)—

Regulation made under the following Act—

Police—Merit Pool

By the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (Hon. D.K.B. Basham)—

Management Plan for the South Australian Commercial Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery—July 2021

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Aquaculture—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Controlled Substances—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Fisheries Management—Fees Notice—General (No. 2)

Forestry—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Industrial Hemp—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Livestock—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Pastoral Land Management and Conservation—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Plant Health—Fees Notice (No. 2)

Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes)—

Fees Notice—Food Safety Schemes—Eggs (No. 2)

Fees Notice—Food Safety Schemes—Meat (No. 2)

Fees Notice—Food Safety Schemes—Plant Products (No. 2)

Fees Notice—Food Safety Schemes—Seafood (No. 2)