House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 17, 2020



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Auditor-General Reports—Examination of the management of road asset maintenance: City of Salisbury Report 15 of 2020 [Ordered to be published]

Local Government Annual Report—

Cleve, District Council of 2019-20

Elliston, District Council of Annual Report 2019-20

By the Premier (Hon. S.S. Marshall)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal)—Restructuring and Disposal—Mining at Leigh Creek

By the Attorney-General (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Legal Practitioners' Fidelity Fund—Law Society of South Australia Annual Report 2019-20

Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner—Annual Report 2019-20

By the Minister for Planning and Local Government (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Development—Lapse of Consent or Approval

Planning, Development and Infrastructure—

General—Lapse of Consent or Approval

General—Planning and Development Fund (No. 2)

By the Minister for Energy and Mining (Hon. D.C. van Holst Pellekaan)—

Energy and Mining, Department for—Annual Report 2019-20

Energy Market Commission, Australian—Annual Report 2019-20

Technical Regulator, Office of the South Australian—(describing operations in the electrical, gas, plumbing and water industries) Annual Report 2019-20

By the Minister for Education (Hon. J.A.W. Gardner)—

Teachers Registration Board of South Australia—Annual Report 2019-20

By the Minister for Environment and Water (Hon. D.J. Speirs)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

National Parks and Wildlife—Fee Notice—Lease Fees