Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—
Regulations made under the following Act—
Legal Practitioners—General
By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.J. Snelling)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Advanced Care Directives—General
Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care—General
By the Minister for Finance (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
State Procurement—Prescribed Public Authorities—
Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner
By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.J. Snelling) on behalf of the Minister for Correctional Services (Hon. A. Piccolo)—
Death of—Christopher Aaron Smith, Report of actions taken following Coronial Inquest May 2014
By the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (Hon. L.W.K. Bignell)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use)—
Restricted Agricultural Products
Primary Industry Funding Schemes—Olive Industry Fund—
Revocation of Regulations
By the Minister for Local Government (Hon. G.G. Brock)—
Local Council By-Laws—
Flinders Ranges Council—
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Local Government Land
No. 3—Roads
No. 4—Moveable Signs
No. 5—Dogs
No. 6—Cats
No. 7—Waste Management
By the Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation (Hon. S.E. Close)—
Aboriginal Lands Trust—Annual Report 2011-12
Response by the Government—
90th Report—Natural Resources Committee—Bushfire Preparedness of Properties in Bushfire Risk Areas
Dogs and Cats as Companion Animals—Final
By the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Hon. S.C. Mullighan)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Harbors and Navigation—Fees
Heavy Vehicle National Law (South Australia)—Fees—Variation
Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law (Application)—Fees
Motor Vehicles—
Accident Towing Roster Scheme—Fees
National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees—2014-15
Road Traffic—Miscellaneous Fees—Inspections—Light Vehicle Permits