House of Assembly: Thursday, November 28, 2013


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Auditor-General—Government Advertising Supplementary Report November 2013

[Ordered to be published.]

Joint Parliamentary Service—The Administration of Annual Report 2012-13

By the Premier (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—

Remuneration Tribunal—

No. 5 of 2013—Members of the Judiciary, Members of the Industrial Relations Court and Commission, the State Coroner, and Commissioners of the

Environment, Resources and Development Court Determination

No. 6 of 2013—Communication Allowance for Judges and Related Officer Holders Determination

South Australia's First Citizen Jury,

State Government Response to the recommendations of

By the Treasurer (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—

Casino Duty Agreement between the Treasurer of South Australia and SkyCity Adelaide Pty Ltd—Variation Agreement 11 October 2013

Essential Services Commission of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Attorney-General's Department—Annual Report 2012-13

Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Act 2008—Annual Report 2012-13

Courts Administration Authority—Annual Report 2012-13

Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act—

Australian Crime Commission—Undercover Operations, Assumed Identities and Witness Identity Protection Annual Report 2011-12

Australian Crime Commission—Undercover Operations, Assumed Identities and Witness Identity Protection Annual Report 2012-13

Electoral Commission of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

Equal Opportunity Commission—Annual Report 2012-13 [Ordered to be published.]

Freedom of Information Act 1991—Annual Report 2012-13

Legal Practitioners Conduct Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972—Report on compliance inspection by the Police Ombudsman

Professional Standards Councils—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board—Erratum Annual Report 2013

By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Approved Licensing Agreement (Adelaide Casino) between the Minister for Business Services and Consumers and SkyCity Adelaide Pty Ltd—Variation Agreement

11 October 2013

By the Minister for Health and Ageing (Hon. J.J. Snelling)—

Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool—Annual Report 2012-13

Chief Psychiatrist of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

Death of—Andrew David Hollonds Report of actions taken by SA Health following Coronial Inquest

Health Advisory Council—

Berri Barmera Annual Report 2012-13

Far North Annual Report 2012-13

Gawler District Annual Report 2012-13

Hawker District Memorial Annual Report 2012-13

Lower Eyre Annual Report 2012-13

Lower North Annual Report 2012-13

Loxton and Districts Annual Report 2012-13

Mallee Health Service Annual Report 2012-13

Millicent and Districts Annual Report 2012-13

Port Broughton District Hospital and Health Services Annual Report 2012-13

Renmark Paringa District Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Medical Education and Training Annual Report 2012-13

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network Annual Report 2012-13

Waikerie and Districts Annual Report 2012-13

Health and Ageing, Department for—Annual Report 2012-13 [Ordered to be published.]

Health Performance Council—Annual Report 2012-13

Health Services Charitable Gifts Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Local Health Network—

Central Adelaide Annual Report 2012-13

Country Health SA Annual Report 2012-13

Northern Adelaide Annual Report 2012-13

Southern Adelaide Annual Report 2012-13

Women's and Children's Annual Report 2012-13

Maternal, Perinatal and Infant Mortality in South Australia—for year 2011 Report September 2013

Pregnancy Outcome in South Australia—for year 2011

SA Ambulance Service—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Abortion Reporting Committee—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal—

Final Report of the Review of November 2013

Government Response to the Review of

By the Minister for Defence Industries (Hon. J.J. Snelling)—

Defence SA—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—

Across Government Asbestos Risk Reduction—Annual Report 2012-13

Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Department of—Annual Report 2012-13

Surveyors Board of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

Tarcoola-Darwin Rail Regulation—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—

Australian Energy Market Commission—Annual Report 2012-13

Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme, Review Report of the—October 2013

By the Minister for Housing and Urban Development (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—

HomeStart Finance—Annual Report 2012-13

Renewal SA—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Finance (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

Electricity Industry Superannuation Scheme—Annual Report 2012-13

Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia—Annual Report 2011-12

Treasury and Finance, Department of—Corrigendum Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Police (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

Protective Security Act 2007—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Correctional Services (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

Correctional Services Advisory Council—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Emergency Services (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

SA Metropolitan Fire Service Superannuation Scheme—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion (Hon. A. Piccolo)—

Communities and Social Inclusion, Department for—Annual Report 2012-13

[Ordered to be published.]

Gambling Prevalence in South Australia 2012 Survey

By the Minister for Social Housing (Hon. A. Piccolo)—

South Australian Housing Trust—Annual Report 2012-13 [Ordered to be published.]

By the Minister for Tourism (Hon. L.W.K. Bignell)—

Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Advisory Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Coast Protection Board—Annual Report 2012-13 [Ordered to be published.]

Dog Fence Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Pastoral Board—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Water Corporation—Annual Report 2012-13

Stormwater Management Authority—Annual Report 2012-13