House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Auditor-General—Agency audit reports Supplementary Report October 2013

Local Government Annual Reports—District Council of Cleve Annual Report 2012-13

By the Premier (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (South Australia)—Temporary Exemptions—Synthetic Drugs

By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Public Prosecutions, Director of—Annual Report 2012-13

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Community Titles—Pre-sold Lots—Deposit and Contract Money

Listening and Surveillance Devices—Records and Warrants

By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

WorkCover Ombudsman SA—Annual Report 2012-13

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Construction Industry Long Service Leave—Services

By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Liquor Licensing—Dry Areas—Elizabeth Area 1

By the Minister for Education and Child Development (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Education and Care Services National Law—Amendment Regulations 2013

By the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—

Architectural Practice Board of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Finance (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

Distribution Lessor Corporation—Annual Report 2012-13

Generation Lessor Corporation—Annual Report 2012-13

Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

Motor Accident Commission—Annual Report 2012-13

SA Lotteries—Annual Report 2012-13

Super SA Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Super SA Select—Annual Report 2012-13

Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Funds SA)—Annual Report 2012-13

Transmission Lessor Corporation—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Police (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

South Australia Police—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Emergency Services (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005—Review of

By the Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade (Hon. T.R. Kenyon)—

Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy, Department for—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts (Hon. C.C. Fox)—

Adelaide Festival Centre—Annual Report 2012-13

Adelaide Festival Corporation—Annual Report 2012-13

Adelaide Film Festival—Annual Report 2012-13

Art Gallery of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

Australian Children's Performing Arts Company (Windmill Theatre)—

Annual Report 2012-13

Disability Information and Resource Centre Inc—Annual Report 2012-13

History Trust of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

JamFactory Contemporary Craft and Design Inc—Annual Report 2012-13

Libraries Board of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Museum Board—Annual Report 2012-13

State Opera of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

State Theatre Company of South Australia—Annual Report 2012-13

By the Minister for Tourism (Hon. L.W.K. Bignell)—

Adelaide Convention Centre—Annual Report 2012-13

Adelaide Entertainment Centre—Annual Report 2012-13

Dog and Cat Management Board—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Motor Sport Board—Annual Report 2012-13

South Australian Tourism Commission—Annual Report 2012-13

Technical Regulator—Plumbing—Annual Report 2012-13

Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park Co-management Board—Annual Report 2012-13

Witjira National Park Co-management Board—Annual Report 2012-13