Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Speaker—
Auditor-General—Report on the Adelaide Oval redevelopment pursuant to section 9 of the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Act 2011 for the designated
period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013 Supplementary
Report August 2013
Lease over portion of Adelaide Park Lands—Adelaide Bowling Club Inc
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Adelaide Park Lands—Adelaide Bowling Club Inc
The following reports have been received and published pursuant to section 17(7) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991—
Public Works Committee—
Report entitled Eastern Fleurieu School Strathalbyn
7-12 Campus Redevelopment
Report entitled Patawalonga Lake System Sediment Management Project
Report entitled Salisbury Metro Fire Station
Report entitled South Coast Primary Health Care Precinct
Report entitled Tonsley Public Transport Project—Stage 1 and 2
Report entitled Windsor Gardens Vocational College Redevelopment
By the Premier (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—
Government Boards and Committees Information—Annual Report 2012-13
By the Treasurer (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Public Corporations—
Adelaide Entertainments Corporation
Adelaide Festival Centre
Stamp Duties—Regulations 2013
By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—
Enquiry into the operation of Section 7A of the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988
Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal—Annual Report 2012-2013
Suppression Orders made pursuant to Section 69A of the Evidence Act 1929 for the year ended 30 June 2013—Annual Report
Supreme Court Act 1935 for the year ended 31 December 2012—Annual Report
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Coroners—Coroners Act 2003
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption—Regulations 2013
Juries—Regulations 2013
Security and Investigation Agents—Regulations 2013
State Records—Regulations 2013
Subordinate Legislation—Postponement of Expiry 2013
Unclaimed Goods—Regulations 2013
Rules made under the following Acts—
Supreme Court—
Supreme Court Bail Review Rules 1985—Amendment No. 4
Supreme Court Civil Rules 2006—Amendment No. 23
Supreme Court Criminal Appeal Rules 1996—Amendment No. 5
Supreme Court Criminal Rules 2013—Amendment No. 2
Supreme Court Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act Rules 2013
By the Minister for Planning (Hon. J.R. Rau)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Development—Regulations 2013
Local Government—Regulations 2013
Local Council By-Laws—
District Council Ceduna—
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Moveable Signs
No. 3—Local Government Land
No. 4—Dogs and Cats
No. 5—Roads
By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. J.R. Rau)—
Industrial Relations Advisory Committee—Annual Report 2012-13
Minister's Response to Economic and Finance Committee's Report into Workforce and Education Participation
WorkCover Corporation Charter
By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. J.R. Rau)—
Advertising Codes of Practice (Live Odds) Variation Notice 2013
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Liquor Licensing—
Dry Areas Regulations 2013—
Dry Areas Regulations 2013
Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Health and Ageing (Hon. J.J. Snelling)—
Report of Actions taken by SA Health following the Deputy State Coroner's finding of 13 February 2013 into the death of Franklin Delano Miller AKA
James Watson McKernan
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Gene Technology—Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse (Hon. J.J. Snelling)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Tobacco Products Regulation—Smoking Bans in Public Areas—Longer Term
By the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Motor Vehicles—Regulations 2013
Protection of Marine Waters (Prevention of Pollution from Ships)—Prevention of Pollution from Ships
By the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy (Hon. A. Koutsantonis)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Mines and Works Inspection—Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Finance (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
ASER (Restructure)—Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Police (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—
Revocation of Directions to the Commissioner of Police under the Police Act 1998
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers—Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Correctional Services (Hon. M.F. O'Brien)—
Report prepared by the Department for Correctional Services following the Coronial Inquiry into the death of Franklin Delano Miller
By the Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade (Hon. T.R. Kenyon)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Fisheries Management—
Abalone Fisheries
Blue Crab Fishery
Demerit Points
Fees Variation 2013
Fish Processors
General Variation 2013
Miscellaneous Broodstock and Seedstock Fishery
Miscellaneous Development Fishery
Miscellaneous Fishery
Miscellaneous Research Fishery
Regulations 2013
Vessel Monitoring Scheme
Livestock—Regulations 2013
Primary Industry Funding Schemes—Regulations 2013
Wheat Marketing—Regulations 2013
By the Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts (Hon. C.C. Fox)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Libraries—Regulations 2013
By the Minister for Tourism (Hon. L.W.K. Bignell)—
Regulations made under the following Acts—
Environment Protection—
Regulations 2013
National Parks and Wildlife—
Breakaways Conservation Park 2013
Lake Gairdner National Park Regulations 2013