Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Premier (Hon. M.D. Rann)—
Public Sector Management Act—Report on the Appointments to the Minister’s Personal Staff
Regulations under the following Act—
Public Sector Management—Exemptions
By the Deputy Premier (Hon. K.O. Foley)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Police—Illness or Injury to Prisoners
By the Treasurer (Hon. K. O. Foley)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Emergency Services Funding Act 1998—Remissions—Land
Public Corporations—Fire Equipment Services South Australia—Dissolution and Revocation
Southern State Superannuation—
Transition to Retirement
Incorporated Hospitals
Police Superannuation
Stamp Duties—Recognised Financial Markets
Superannuation—Transition to Retirement
By the Minister for Transport (Hon. P.F. Conlon)—
Proposal to remove one significant tree at Parkside Primary School—Report
Regulations under the following Acts—
Heated Water Services
Open Space Contribution Scheme
Schedule 10
Harbors and Navigation—Restrictions and General
Motor Vehicles—
Disqualification Fees
Conditional Registration
Road Traffic—
Miscellaneous—Declaration of Hospitals
Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous—Emergency Workers
Road Rules—Vehicles Standards—Variation
District Council of Mount Barker—Significant Trees—Development Plan Amendment by the Council
By the Minister for Energy (Hon. P.F. Conlon)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment—Grant Allocations
By the Attorney-General (Hon. M.J. Atkinson)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Criminal Law Consolidation—Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Electoral—Prescribed Authorities
Victims of Crime—Imposition of Levy
Rules of Court—
Supreme Court—Corporations—Amendment 4
By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.D. Hill)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Environment Protection—Environmental Authorisations
Health Care—General
South Australian Health Commission—Recognised Hospital—Medicare Patients Fees
Natural Resources Management—Baroota Prescribed Water Resources Area
By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. M J Wright)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation—
Claims and Registration—Variation
Scales of Medical and other Charges—Schedules
Scales of Charges—Medical Practitioners
By the Minister for Education and Children’s Services (Hon. J D Lomax-Smith)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia—Variation
By the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (Hon. R J McEwen)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Fisheries Management—
Abalone Fisheries—Licences and Catch Quotas
Aquatic Reserves—New Regulations and revocation
Lakes and Coorong Fishery—Pipi Quotas
Marine Scalefish Fisheries—Pipi Quotas
Miscellaneous Fishery—Aquatic Resources
Prawn Fisheries—Gulf St. Vincent
Rock Lobster—Northern Zone
Fishing Activities
Primary Industry Funding Schemes—Rock Lobster Fishing Industry Fund
Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes)—
Food Standards
By the Minister for the River Murray (Hon. K. A. Maywald)—
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement 1992—Schedule F: Cap on Divisions
By the Minister for Water Security (Hon. K. A. Maywald)—
Regulations under the following Act—
By the Minister for State/Local Government Relations (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—
Local Government Grants Commission South Australia 2006-2007—Report
Local Council By-Laws—
City of Playford—
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Moveable Signs
No. 3—Local Government Land
No. 4—Dogs
No. 5—Cats
City of Mitcham
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Moveable Signs
No. 3—Local Government Land
No. 4—Roads
No. 7—Waste Management
Corporation of the Town of Walkerville
No. 1—Permits and Penalties
No. 2—Local Government Land
No. 3—Roads
No. 4—Moveable Signs
No. 5—Dogs
By the Minister for Consumer Affairs (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—
Regulations under the following Acts—
Conveyancers—Establishment and Determination of Claims
Land Agents—Real Estate Industry Reform
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing)—Real Estate Industry Reform
Liquor Licensing—
Ceduna and Thevenard—Area 2
Port Vincent