Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Speaker—
Adelaide City Council—Report 2006-07
Parliamentary Service of the House of Assembly—Report 2006-07
By the Treasurer (Hon. K.O. Foley)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Petroleum Products Regulations—General
By the Minister for Transport (Hon. P.F. Conlon)—
Award of Route Service Licence on Adelaide-Port Augusta Scheduled Airline Route
By the Attorney-General (Hon. M.J. Atkinson)—
Judges of the Supreme Court of South Australia—Report 2007
Summary Offences Act—
Dangerous Areas Declarations
Road Block Establishment Authorisations
Social Development Committee's: Inquiry into Gestational Surrogacy—Government Response
Economic and Finance Committee's Report into Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes—Government Response
Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2005—Minute from Commissioner of Police
Regulations under the following Act—
Dust Diseases—Industrial or Commercial Processes
By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.D. Hill)—
Children, Youth and Women's Health Service—Report 2006-07
Country Health SA—Report 2006-07
The State of Public and Environmental Health for South Australia—Report 2006-07
Natural Resources Committee Report—Deep Creek—Government Response
By the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (Hon. R.J. McEwen)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes)—Citrus Industry
By the Minister for State/Local Government Relations (Hon. J.M. Rankine)
Rules under the following Act—
Local Government—Binding Death Benefit Nominations—
By the Minister for Consumer Affairs (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—
Regulations under the following Act—
Liquor Licensing—Normanville